August 2022

I've had insomnia and am running off of a solid three hours of sleep, so bare with me haha
August was so beautiful. This summer has had a lot of songs written in my book about it, but August is my favorite.
My LA cousins came up and we got to hang. It had been a long time since I've listened to so much Taylor Swift, thanks girls. My favorite was driving 211 back to my place at dusk, with the endless setting sun that took the entire 40 minute drive but never quite seemed to set. Windows down, a homemade mix playing. I think we've already established that's how my favorite memories are made.
I almost died the next day hahaha. This dude... let's say he lost control of his truck, I'm not sure what his problem was, but he narrowly narrowly narrowly missed me. That was a crazy surreal experience. I believe he is fine but have no way of knowing of course. That's all I'll say on that.
I was reunited with my sister that's not quite mine. I consider her my sister at heart all the same. After five years, Lily, once our foster child for several years, got to come to the house and I spent most of that week with my arms around her trying to infuse how much I love her into those hugs.
There were some hard things I won't be able to write about here. There were some wonderful things I also won't be writing about here ha. But it was a busy month for photography and planning out the work year, and a busy month for friends and connecting with a lot of people I haven't been able to see in a while.
So yeah. Soaking up dinner with friends, worship nights, laughing with coworkers, calling grandparents, taking care of my mom's garden (side note: there is literally nothing better than picking an apple off a tree that's warm from sunshine), writing music, writing in general ha, taking photos. Tossing and turning, getting up to play the piano at 2am because it's better than just laying there, all the things. If you have suggestions for that I'm all ears.

And because I'm trying to be better about remembering to take videos haha..
Short, but just sharing my moments :) Almost done with the next Unspeakable blog.
Love, Sarah