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Becoming Brave: Part 8 - Summer Dreams

Writer's picture: Sarah MarieSarah Marie

Becoming Brave

No. 8

Summer Dreams

Once it was just Bo and I.

Before any other horses we would go out and ride alone. It was mid-summer once he was healed, and we were able to ride out together at long last.

The fields were like the sea. The wind blows over it and the grass ripples in waves that we'd wade through. It's almost sacred, a very reverent feeling passes over me in the fields of gold. The family farm was and is a piece of Heaven to me.

I let him lope up the hill. But only ever up-hill. He had a bad habit of not paying attention or stopping if he wasn't running upwards -which takes more work for him. I'll admit I was a little afraid of him, like the rest, when it comes to speed. But all-in-all he was so good to me. And we did love the summer. Together. I usually hosed him down on a hot day, but let me tell you - he hates bathes. He'd chomp his teeth and step away trying to avoid the cool water from tickling as it ran over his back and dripped down his belly. But when you have a white horse, if you do not want a green or a brown horse, you really need for them to be used to baths. I'd like to think he has even come to appreciate them :).

Let me describe our farm a little bit - it is in three layers. The house and barns are on the top tier, and the river lies at the bottom, with all sorts of hills and fields between. My Grandma lived with us, this was her farm. It was always her dream to see her Grandchildren come through the fields to Grandma's house. And God gave her her simple but deep desire. "Nothing makes me happier than to see you get on your horse and ride through those fields, Lamb," she'd say to me. It was not long before she would pass away from us. Looking back it makes my heart glad - so glad - that she got to see Bo and I together, riding through the fields. It is such a sweet ... comfort, I suppose, to know that I got to be a piece of her dream.

Love, Sarah


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