January 8, 2023

01/08/23 -one of the better days of my life :)
Gretchen and I hunted down a Calvary church in the Portland area that I'd wanted to try for a while now. It was so... filling, to use her words. They played worship songs I listen to and love but didn't know anyone else knew, much less that a whole church knew. The sermon was rooted in Scripture verse by verse and so many people smiled and hugged us. I'm really glad we just decided to do it and go.
Afterwords we started our trek up the mountain. A good playlist and hours of conversation later we parked the truck and stopped for photos.
(P.S. I'm pretty into my fall playlist this year still, here's the link if you want some chill tunes haha)
We fell into a couple snow drifts past our knees, but sometimes you have to go out and just experience life haha. Walk, fall, get wet, feel. Laugh it off. Gretchen is much bolder than I am (which I feel like is saying something when it comes to pictures. I usually feel pretty fearless.) I don't know, she is someone who really, really lives her life. She's in it. That's probably why she has so many concussions haha. But she took my hand and pulled me up the snow bank into the forest I was content to stand back and look at. And inside... inside was much better than standing back and looking ;). Anyways, she inspires me. Vivacious, giver of the best hugs, the ultimate hype woman and even more protective of my heart than I am which is adorable.
We were heading up to Timberline when everyone else was coming down. She was praying Jesus would get us up the icy hill and I was just like, "With prayers like that I probably should feel nervous for my life, but I don't whatsoever, I trust you implicitly, you got this." And so she did, haha it was fine. The patchwork of sunset over the valley was... breathtaking. Mostly cloudy but wisps of pink shining through on select clouds. A gentle blue twilight settling in.
We took a minute. The wind tossed our hair and eventually the heated truck coaxed us back down the mountain. But we stopped for food at my family's favorite Inn in Zigzag which is kinda the best. We talked Jesus and had the sweetest waitress and I drove us home stopping in to see my Grandparents. May or may not have watched Jonas Brothers, idk. Anyway. It was a good day. Thanks for listening.

aaannndd my personal fav where she told me to make the sexiest face possible. My preparation face is clearly the best haha

we're also not as pale as we look, I promise
Thanks Gretchen.
Love, Sarah