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Clackamas Senior Portraits: Class of 2021

Writer's picture: Sarah MarieSarah Marie

Ashlyn is someone that I’ve always aspired to be like. I’ve admired her ever since I was a little girl. It amazes me that someone so mature can also equally show you the best time you’ve ever had. And even further: yes, she is the most fun, and also the kindest person in the world. (I seriously have amazing friends- I claim full bragging rights.) I can only say it because it’s 1000% true. Ashlyn is one in a million. And I’m honored to spend time with her and call her my friend.

Ashlyn is both calm and wise. How do I describe it... she has this sort of peaceful aura around her. She’s is also a giver. She gives her time, she gives her heart and energy. As a small group leader, she pours everything she has into her “groupies", leading the younger generation by example, showing them how to be successful people. By successful I mean having respect and peace at home, love and friendship with others, communication and community skills... etc. That is success in my book.

She pours into work. If someone has to call in, she’s the one who drops everything and helps. Time and again and again, she is dedicated and consistent. And still she pours into school and is brilliant.

She’s a very thoughtful, sweet and genuine person; considering others deeply, listening faithfully and responding graciously.

We can stay up in a tent chatting for hours about deep things, or we can sing Barbie songs. What can I say, we’re versatile. Her friendship means more to me than words can express.

You want to know a fun fact? She is so creative: she’s written a book. And printed it. She and her sisters and friends created basically a full length movie for fun. She paints and draws and plays piano beautifully - basically the definition of an accomplished woman.

But you guys? Do you want to know what I love the most about Ashlyn?

She grows.

She seeks out wisdom like it’s treasure and her life depends on it. She asks questions and admits what she may not know in order to move forward. And in doing so she encourages the rest of the room - i.e. me. Her real and open heart is healing salve to many others.

She is beautiful. So, so beautiful. I’ve shared that her heart is beautiful, but girl? You are altogether lovely. You are so pretty. I have full confidence that your spirit, smarts and beauty are a package to turn this world's head. You are so capable, loved and wanted, and you will truly do amazing things. Because you seek God. You love Him. You serve Him. And He knows you. Press in, keep asking good questions and sharing with Him your heart and desires. He adores you. ADORES you. I just want to speak that blessing over you.

So Beautiful - Go conquer the world. Graduating is a big thing, and sometimes we think we’re supposed to have it all figured out. Conquer the world? What does that even mean? What is that supposed to look like? How am I supposed to know? What if I never figure it out?

Well Love, there’s a whole world full of people.

Conquer the world with love.

Overwhelm it with kindness. Serve the brokenhearted. Be loving arms to the wounded and crying. You, Ashlyn, are the only you there is. God made you, and you have something that no one else can bring to the table. Some days you will be soaring, some days will be mundane and you'll wonder where you're going. But remember on those "nothing" days that it’s a whole lot of nothings that add up to somethings that equals a day and a life. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, you keep serving and keep growing and keep seeking. Always forward, always up. That’s the path. You’ll find it. That’s what makes life. The joys, the togetherness, the simplicity and/or the sophisticated work...and all that entails in between. Life is beautiful. Go live it. Love will find you there.

You know who you are. But if you ever need a reminder? I have a thousand reasons why I love you.

Life is crazy, I know that 2020 was not what anyone expected. But to quote Esther, you were made for such a time as this. The God who holds all of this in His hands also knew that Ashlyn Rae would be in the world today. Right exactly where she’s at. And He smiles.

So congratulations, you represent the class of 2021. I am so proud of you. Your family is so proud of you. You are so close, my friend. Go crush this.

Love, Sarah


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