June 2021

This beautiful girl. I adore her heart, it's rare to find such a genuine human. Guarantee she has no clue what an impact she makes- with each encounter she manages to make me feel important and encouraged. In fact, she goes out of her way to do it. Those are the kind of people I want to be around, that I want to emulate. Her sweet and playful spirit was such a blast to take pictures of and I loved every second.
She put up with me as I geeked out over cool shots and talked shop explaining what I was doing as I paused to adjust settings. We went to waaayyyy too many locations to satisfy my creative itch for some diversity, but she smiled kindly the entire time. I put her on the ground, I put her in [multiple] rosebushes, I put her in a tree, I put her on a rock, I had her crouch in the grass, lean on an old post, sit on a wall, the concrete, a river rock and stand everywhere in between; you get the picture. Normally I pick two settings, maybe three. We challenged ourselves, having light to spare.
To talk shop at YOU now, my biggest challenge was the constant change of light. It was partly cloudy, so that means the sun was there one minute and gone the next. The grass was lush in one area, or already golden in the next. Shifting shadows. I could go on. So every couple photo sets, with each change, I created a brand new preset of color temperatures, contrasts, highlights and shadows etc. That's a new one for me, I've never ever had to do so many, and I've certainly never ever "perfected" them (if that's possible) so quickly. This was one of my faster turn-arounds, so, kinda stoked ;) *pats self on back **sorry
My favorite part about these shoots is getting to know people I wouldn't otherwise have any particular reason to get to know. The social butterfly in me explodes with excitement to spend an hour or so with a new friend. The nerd in me gets to do her calculating thing playing with light. The Bossy Chick in me gets to tell people exactly what to do haha- kidding (well, I mean, sort of, but it's real), the Designer and Creative gets to build something unique that flows well. The girl that loves being outside gets an unadulterated dose of this good earth and she gets to tell people exactly what she thinks of them - that they are awesome and rocking it. Because they are! Every single one. I want my people to see themselves in a new light so to speak, a new frame. That's not meant to be corny. Frame of mind = confidence. That's really my lucky job, the blessing of the matter: the camera is just an expensive hand weight to show you the view out of Sarah's eyes. And dear clients past and future... it's totally worth holding your head high for.
