December 25, 2022

I'm not actually talking about Jesus, but also yes, of course I am, Merry Christmas everybody! The Author of life stepped into the world He created and saved us with His own life from what destroys us. And being raised again He lives and is coming back -- How beautiful.
So why am I here writing a blog on Christmas morning. Well it's a funny story haha.
First, my newest nephew is here!!!!! Our Christmas baby. Details to follow.
This month has been crazy crazy crazy. Nothing has gone as planned, no tradition was followed, in fact I was all set to skip Christmas entirely. I had almost succeeded. But Christmas has a way of finding you even when you're hiding from it.
Now I am a traditionalist at heart. A year or so ago it would have been unthinkable to NOT have Christmas and my nostalgia the way I always had. But things are different this year. And that is okay. I'm good with it, even. Totally content.
My Grandma spent most of December in the hospital, so when I wasn't working or sleeping on a bench in a waiting room there (that sounds more heroic than it was ha, my Mom has been AMAZING. She is with her day in and day out. I only visited when I could) I was busy avoiding Christmas haha. I wasn't having any of it. The music, the movies, hard pass. The lights, the parties - nah. I hung ornaments on my coat rack lol. That's the extent of my decorating cheer.
I could get behind the Biblical part. But the cultural fluff made me want to gag honestly. Life was getting too real for that.
But Christmas isn't my nostalgia. It is not my traditions, it is not something to be skipped. It's not even about family. I know, I know, how could I say that. But although those are things of great value, and God values them... Christmas is a time where the whole world remembers the humble love of our Jesus. And something about the whole world being focused on our Savior creates a silent night whether you're looking for one or not. For me, anyway.
So Kimberly labored for 20-some-plus hours and we all sat on the edge of our chair. I drove through the ice to work and had a blast making coffee with my friends. I drove one of my coworkers home, had to go back to work because I forgot my phone there haha - and waited some more. For a baby that was just taking his sweet time.
Normally Christmas Eve looks like a very specific family dinner and candle light service and the whole nine yards. This year, as my mom has moved out to go care for my Grandma, I went and hung out with friends. Alayna took me for a joyride in her new truck with some solid country music and I just smiled and smiled. With her sister (and my friend) Alissa we did facemasks, I tried heart for the first time haha..... we ate late night cereal and watched the Nutcracker. Alayna fell asleep on the couch and in the light of the Christmas tree that Christmas "feeling" finally settled over me. Alissa and I whispered and hugged goodbye and I sneaked out the back door to go home. Where I'd no sooner crawled in bed as I heard footsteps upstairs.
Baby's here, I surmised.
So at midnight I crept up the stairs (mom had come home for the night) and we waited. I told them not to tell me his name, I wanted to see him (facetime) first. While we waited we exchanged stockings then instead of today. I gave my mom her gift and she cried, so, success.
Then we got to see him.
The most beautiful head of dark hair, full and healthy cheeks...
So world, may I introduce to you Joel Weston. My beloved nephew.
Now if you'll excuse me, after a strange morning of sleeping in and being by myself as we all went separate ways and try to figure out what we're doing haha, I'm off to the hospital to go meet him and pick up his big brother for the day. I am bringing my camera, enough said. I made the cherry pie this year, super proud of my lattice top, won't lie. So I intend to spend the days with my boys, go see the fam and eat cherry pie, the one tradition I refuse to overlook.
How beautiful that Kimberly got to empathize on a new level with Mary. Not the same, of course, but still - in this time of remembering, she had the hard job of empathy. Here's what struck me:
As life has hurt lately I've said over and over with a smile, "But hey, I get baby snuggles really soon, so.." And isn't it funny. This is for all of us: God never leaves you without hope, without future. He brings life. Look for it, seek Jesus. There is a great Light shining in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. The Author of the firey stars has made this tender, tiny life that bares His image. On Christmas Eve, in the last watches of the night, his cry broke out and air filled his lungs.
My little Joel, I have so many prayers for you. You're going to do great things. You are here with so much purpose and intention. And you are so loved.
Love, [a very proud] Auntie Sarah
[Update, Christmas morning]

A very curly-haired Joel

A very tired but very happy Sarah haha
Prayer request: little Joel didn't quite pass the hearing test. Could just be fluids still in his ears but prayers for him and all he'll be are appreciated!