Rathmann Family Est. June 25, 2022

It amazes me when two people come together.
Think about it. Maybe you've known the "who" for your whole life- you knew exactly who you'd marry and did it. But for some? You can be total strangers one day. Living your life. And the next day you are introduced to someone that you will not only talk to and think of, but love for the rest of your life.
Maybe you know right away, "this is my forever". Maybe it takes your heart some time to catch up with it's new reality.
But isn't it magnificent that God knew this whole time how to merge two paths into one? That He knew this whole time the "who". The "when". The "how". I'm positive that this brings Him no small amount of delight to unify two hearts devoted to Him and each other.
On June 25, 2022, Mikel and Joslyn committed to love and to honor, to cherish and hold...
No matter the circumstances...
To be devoted to one another for as long as they both shall live.
Years of waiting melted away as they stood before their friends and family. As Joslyn's father gave his daughter to a trustworthy man. Meanwhile, I loved watching Mikel watch her. Look at these pictures! - Tender amazement, written all over his face. And the joy emulating from her made her far more beautiful than the gown could ever hope.
And we danced.
And celebrated their love.
And looked to the future.
Mikel, thank you for making Joslyn the happiest girl alive. For protecting and cherishing her. As you lead your new family, I pray God blesses and strengthens you both. May there always be food on your table, laughter in your home and God's Word as your cornerstone. Joslyn, thank you for being the wife, daughter, sister and Aunt this family dreamed of. May you always be a source of strength and love for each other. May the two of you be blessed in the lifetime ahead of you.

Love, Sarah
Venue: Homeplace Farm
Wedding Coordinator: Michaela Shumate @delighteventcoordinating
Photographer: Sarah Marie Photography @sarahmarie._photography
Officiant: Andrew Wade
Catering: Loco Ono BBQ
DJ/MC: Nate Heath
Florist: Irene Rathmann
Cake: Lizzie Beach
Hair & Makeup: Jenelle Baker
Bartender: Janet Davis
Dress: Brides for a Cause
Charcuterie: Paul McCallum