Erdmanczyk Family
November 2020

Sometimes I get e-mails I'm just very excited about.
This beautiful couple contacted me for a family session. I admire them personally and their walk in faith and life, they are very inspiring to me, so I felt very honored. And they also posed a challenge to me. Challenge one: sunrise.
I. Love. Sunrise. But most people don't want to get up, dressed for photos, hair and makeup done, their spouse and kids out the door before dawn to be on location to catch those first, juicy reys of sunlight. Why bother when there's sunset? So my sunrise sessions are very limited. In fact, this was the first one I'd done at this particular location so I got up at 5:30am on daylight savings to brave the frost and scout out the prettiest locations pre-shoot. There was a gorgeous low-hanging fog I admired and I prayed it would be the same the next day. As you can see... it was! All that to say, (and I'm no morning bird) further sunrise sessions welcome. Just look at the glory of dawn. (**Disclaimer, this was a special morning. I make no guarantee every sunrise session will look like this ha! This look is very weather dependent.)
Challenge two: a very little one on a cold morning. I wanted to work fast so sweet little girl didn't need to stay out in the elements too long. It turned out to be mild, however, so that was less of a concern.
I wanted to take advantage of the orange in the sunlight and the fall colors, while challenging myself with locations, such as on the water (a tricky place for photos, I've found). All around, in the end I found my creative itch satisfied, my eyes filled with all sorts of beauty to behold and a soul-satisfying conversations getting to know acquaintances better.
What truly amazing people. How they proactively teach their daughter (she knows ALS!) and how they take a rest day every week to unplug and be a family is a serious goal I am now aspiring towards. In fact, I ought to do more than just aspire towards it. Can you relate? We all need a rest, a sabbath, a day for what matters.
I looked over at this Daddy snuggling his daughter close, her nose with a touch of pink as she was wrapped up like a marshmallow in a big white blanket, smiling ear to ear... it was sweet, so sweet, to watch this family love each other. I hope you will take a lesson from them as I have: family is sweet. Love them. Don't ever let that grow cold, be intentional with your time and energy. Faith is life-giving. Don't ever let that grow cold. Be intentional with your time and energy.
And get up to watch the sunrise.