To Alayna
August 2021

Well hello, friends, it's been a hot minute. Wow... it's been a crazy summer. Not really the good kind of crazy, or even the busy kind of crazy, but instead the really hard kind of crazy. Lots and lots of loss. Like a rainstorm, I feel like I'm just rolling with the punches at this point. Cancer and family death and even just tonight we cried our eyes out as one of our dear horses had to be put down. So heavy stuff. Somehow it is all still good, very good, I am learning so much - for real. Maybe I'll write some more on it later. Although I've been taking pictures left and right my blog has necessarily been neglected, so hello.
This girl. You've probably seen her at this point :). I wanted to write to thank her. She has been such a rock and such a dear, dear friend to me. I am so blessed to have her in my life to laugh and cry with. She has had so much grace with me, has volunteered to work alongside my family just because she has a beautiful heart, all the things. She blows me away, I am so proud of her.
