August, 2023

Haven was my coworker for just a few short months, but her raw honesty, openness and laughter quickly won me over. I was sad when we had to part ways, but little did I know the friendship would continue! She married, and I got to meet Noah earlier this year for the first time. I don't know that I've met two people more well suited and balanced for each other. I'm really blown away by them. Today she and Noah have been some of the encouraging voices standing behind me, and I'm incredibly grateful to them both! During this photo shoot I was having fun and pretty in love with how it was turning out, but it was afterwards as twilight set in that I'll remember going forward. They both inspired and uplifted me (I was leaving for California in 36 hours) more deeply than they'll know and offered continued support and friendship while I'm gone.
I'm glad God teamed the sun with me to do these justice for them.

Love, Sarah