October 20, 2022
Have grace for yourself as you go, friend. None of us know what we're doing.

(Sneak peek - End of September Alayna did my annual photo's with Bo and I love them endlessly. They'll get their own blog to showcase later ;), along with my glowing review of our photographer.)
I'm actually really excited, besides that glowing review I plan to just go through and pick out Scripture to share. No excessive words from me. I'm really excited so stay tuned.

So anyway. I hope you enjoyed that. Switching gears, lately I've been praying and I asking God mainly for three things.
1) For Him to show me how He loves me. And heal what I twisted up.
2) How to study and get excited about His Word again.
3) To delight in Him and in life.
Do you know how He answered all those, this week?
1) He sent me a rose. A really great friend was attached, thanks, Emma. A rose symbolizes love and pursuit. That's how our God loves us.
2) A man approached me at Bible study and said that God told him I needed a study Bible. So he gave me one. I have many Bibles but I decided to take it. If God said it, honestly, I was just going to believe him and accept it.
It wasn't until after I saw that it was part of an answered prayer. God gave me His Word. *Selah*. And a tool to study it.
3) After the new miracle our church had (gifted property and a building in a way only God can do) we had our first work day! And you know what they gave me? A beautiful Yamaha keyboard. Yes. Yes indeed. A source of delight, my way of life, and a way to delight in God. You'll see it in the video.
Here are my fall moments. Not all of them. Some aren't picture perfect. There's a lot of me sleeping on my couch to escape overthinking, not pictured ;). I sleep when I get overwhelmed, that's a vice ha. A lot of sweet friends, a lot of going to work. A lot of my precious nephew, a lot of folding laundry, a lot of laying on my bed listening to music in the dark. A LOT of writing music. A lot. I actually pumped out more songs this month than I have most this year. Five of which I am incredibly proud of. The melody, the dynamics, the perfectly articulated lyrics. Maybe I'll quit and be a rockstar. My goal is to get better at recording though, it's pretty rough haha.
But in the spirit of this random update, let me give you a list:
Something that made me happy: laying on the floor and my nephew throwing himself on top of me. "I love you," I laugh. He cranes his neck to put his face in mine, "Ya do?" ... "I do."
A new song I like: Perfume - Mehro
Made me laugh: my coworker had a spider on her and all I could do was back away in panic. She proceeded to reenact my reaction to everyone who would listen the rest of the week.
Was really sad: wanting so badly to say something important to me, but keeping it to myself because it can't change anything.
Answered prayer: a healing friendship.
Something delicious: some new good friends had me and Ash over and we ate literally the best homemade pretzels ever.
Chose bravery: talked about my faith in Jesus to someone I was pretty sure wasn't going to want to hear why I had hope.
Worth the drive: went up and painted for my grandparents as my fam did a work day. So proud of them. All of them.
To-do: Solo day to the gorge. ... and grocery shopping.
Childish: I watched High School Musical last night.
Made me feel important: Bo got sick and had some daily care, and doctoring him just made me feel... like I was really living, and living in the moment alone.
Proud moment: watching the cow I rescued as a calf with her new baby!
Scared me: on a walk with a friend and she saw the snake .02 seconds before she could warn me. I have never screamed so loud. I probably freaked out the whole park.
Always makes my day: I follow this gal online who posts verses. I never feel like reading all ten but it always leaves me so... at peace.
Enjoy this random little video. The annoying music really grows on you.
Love, Sarah