Meet Jim and Gunner, the happy boys of the Stoneking family. If they are not grazing on their beautiful hillside, you can find them under saddle on the trail or herding cattle in the arena. These are true-blue cow-ponies who love their job.

Gunner (chestnut) is a curious sweetheart, whereas Jim (buckskin) is a little more reserved. He is hesitant to be friends with strangers, but is a gentle and loyal companion to his person.

As you can see, these two are fast friends. What's really special is that they are not only friends with each other, but also with the other animals on the farm. You can see them below with little Amber. Just hanging out in the field, kitty and horses.

There is nothing I love more than the sweet summer air of a golden evening on the farm. Jim and Gunner are so blessed to have a loving family to care for them and this beautiful Mulino field to call home.

Love, Sarah