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Unspeakable: Prologue

Writer's picture: Sarah MarieSarah Marie

August 2022

Hey friends. Let's talk about the things you think should never come out of a Christian's mouth. Things that are "too dirty", "too broken", "too secret". Let's talk about doubt. And eating disorders. Masturbation (I bet you didn't think I'd be writing that word here. Neither did I lol). Let's talk about those strongholds that you fear aren't ever going to really leave your life.

It's been a minute since I've done a series (2 years) and y'all have been asking me to bring it back. I think you meant horses and farm life and travel. You know, cool single-girl stuff. But I've got something better for you. Something real. Something freeing. Something human and redeemable by the grace and lasting power of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High living God.

I'm not perfect and maybe I don't have any right to be writing on these subjects. But as someone who has lived them, wrestled, won, lost, strived by failing will power, surrendered and all the things, maybe I'm the best to speak on them. Not because I'm the most knowledgeable, the most victorious (I'm not) or well spoken. But because I'm willing.

If you're a mom out there (or my mom out there hahaha) don't freak. We're gonna keep this series PG. Practical. Not so vague it does no real good. But by Jesus' grace we're gonna try to strike some balances between the knowledge of good and the knowledge of evil.

Because you crave hope.

Let me tell you it's real, it's offered to you.

It is real for you.

And I know. It's so frustrating the lack of resources there are. Take masturbation. For some reason a majority of Christians out there seem to still be wrestling with "is it even wrong?" Let me ask you a question: How can we heal if we won't accept we can heal? Because I believe that question stems from a place of "I don't think this will ever leave me, so since I can't live with the failure and pain it causes, does it need to be causing my heart and life pain?" At least that was my question, because I pretty much thought and was told I was destined for failure. It was easier to numb out to the sting of sin than to feel condemned by the enemy. It is a fear-based lie that there is some part of your life Jesus can't make totally new forever. Can't redeem. Redeem: to gain or regain possession of something in exchange for payment. Jesus died for you on the cross? He took *that* too. Raised again? He has claimed and repossessed you into the Kingdom of Light. Even now. Live for it. You and He can wage war and will win it. I will be addressing this in depth, but let me nip the question of is it "wrong" right now: whatever enslaves -yes, enslaves- you to the flesh where you cannot say yes to the Holy Spirit, is wrong. And we want to live by and for the Spirit.

Help seems scarce. So I'll be sharing resources I have found. I'll be sharing my testimony - because by the word of our testimony and by the power of the Blood of Jesus we overcome. I want to see some people set free, y'all. I don't care if you're 45 and have lived this your whole life, I want you to experience freedom from lies you and I have always believed.

So welcome to the Unspeakable Series.

Love, Sarah


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